The photo book "Portraits d’auteurs / Author portraits" contains 78 black-and-white portraits of writers from 28 different countries. The project started in 2003, and this book presents a selection of the 531 authors I met.
The book contains a foreword by Josyane Savigneau (member of the jury for the Prix Femina and former journalist at Le Monde des Livres) and an afterword by Laurent Denimal (texts in French, Swedish and English).
Translation by Kerstin Zetterqvist (to Swedish) and Graham Bowers (to English).
It is published by Carlsson Bokförlag in Stockholm, with support from The Längmanska Kulturfonden Trust and The Swedish Authors' Fund.
An article was published in the Lebanese newspaper L'Orient littéraire in august 2020.
To order a signed and dedicated copy please send me a message at mail[@]