The booklet "Sorgen efter den som inte orkade leva" (Grief for someone who lost the will to live) has been produced to provide guidance and support to people who have lost a loved-one to suicide.
The author, Ullakarin Nyberg, suicide researcher and psychiatrist, is one of Sweden’s leaders in the field.
It is illustrated with ten water-colour painting by the artist and poet Åsa Magnusson.
You can read more here (in Swedish) and order a printed version in Swedish, English and Finnish by clicking on "Välj språk" here.
An Arabic version gonna be released in december 2021.
The booklet is published by the Betaniastiftelsen, an idea-based foundation that uses a holistic view of humans in order to develop healthcare and care solutions on a non-profit basis, with support from the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the National Association for Suicide Prevention and Survivors’ Support (Riksförbundet för SuicidPrevention och Efterlevandes Stöd, SPES).
You can see more of Åsa Magnussons artworks on her website.