The project Swedish Country Churches (Landsbygdskyrkor / Eglises de campagne suédoises) focuses on the smallest and most unknown of all the churches of Sweden, and specifically those in two regions, Västergötland and Värmland, with the aim of spotlighting their beauty and originality. One fascinating thing they have in common is that they have hand-painted interiors, dating from different periods of history.
The project is directed by Philippe Bouquet, former professor of Scandinavian languages at the University of Caen (France) and a very talented translator from Swedish literature into French with over 150 published books.
The project concluded with the production of a book which gonna present 30 churches. The foreword and the texts for each church are written by Philippe Bouquet (Swedish, French and English), and all the photographs are taken by Laurent Denimal.
We 've got the support of the Church of Sweden (Svenska Kyrkan), with a recommandation letter from the Research and Analysis Unit (Uppsala), and financial support from the Swedish Royal Patriotic Society (Kungliga Patriotiska Sällskapet).
A simplified map show the churches localisation in Västergötland and Värmland, and a few photographs of the project are presented. You can see even more pictures here.

Swedish country churches
Västergötland and Värmland
Hammarö Suntak Vesene
Details from the churches of Hammarö, Husaby, Älgarås, Suntak, Forsby, Borgvik, Kungslena, Habo and Fullösa. (left to right, top to bottom)