We would like to thanks those people working at the Church of Sweden and who have already purchased one or more copies of our book Svenska landsbygdskyrkor / Eglises de campagne suédoises :
The Diocese of Karlstad, the Diocese of Växjö, Skara Diocese Historical Society, the church of Hammarö, the church of Fristad, as well as Ellinor Carlberg Mehrén (Parish of Götene) and Sara Strindevall (Diocese of Göteborg).
Even the Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen now has a a copy, and will publish a review of the book in its annual publication Kyrkohistorisk Årsskrift later this fall.
You can buy a copy
at the shop !
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Price: 230:- sek / 22 €
The book is also available in Stockholm at Söderbokhandeln and at the artbook shop Konst-ig