New books of the ten following writers has been recently published in french and english; Santiago Gamboa, Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Jila Mossaed, Stefan Hertmans, Sara Stridsberg, Charif Majdalani, Jean-Noël Pancrazi, Karl Ove Knausgård, Nedim Gürsel and Maria Ernestam.
You will find all the portraits of these writers at the Opale Agency.
You can even see the complete collection of writers portrait here.
Santiago Gamboa
Une maison à Bogotá
Jón Kalman Stefánsson *
Ton absence n'est que ténèbres
Jila Mossaed *
Le huitième pays
Le Castor Astral
Stefan Hertmans
Une ascension
Sara Stridsberg
L'antarctique de l'amour
Charif Majdalani *
Beirut 2020
The collapse of a civilization, a Journal
Mountain Leopard Press
Jean-Noël Pancrazi
Les années manquantes
Karl Ove Knausgård *
En hiver
Nedim Gürsel *
Voyage en Iran. En attendant l'imam caché
Actes Sud
Maria Ernestam
Jambes cassées, coeurs brisés
Actes Sud / Babel
The writers name with an * are represented in the book "Portraits d'Auteurs / Author Portraits", Carlssons 2021.